Friday, November 13, 2009


At the Young Living Conference, Marc Schreuder talked about the amplifying power of Copaiba. He said that Copaiba plus Peace and Calming is a slumber party...that's the one I remember. Copaiba amplifies the effect of any essential oil.
Copaiba with:Peppermint = X 4Cypress = X 5Thieves = X 3Peace & Calming =
Slumber Partyt! =......more copaiba--sleep application..............
I have to share my experience with Peace & Calming Essential Oil Blend and Copaiba Essential Oil. I barely slept Sunday and Monday nights and I was mentally exhausted from dealing with my aunt's stroke, her neurologist, orthopedic and pain management doctors, and her children who were doing absolutely nothing but letting Vicki take care of it because get this, they have to work. Nobody seems to remember that Vicki has a job and unlike their jobs where they can take leave and get paid, Vicki does contract work so if she's not working, she's not getting paid.Peace and Calming has never worked for me as well as it has for most users but I do love the smell. My stress must have been so great that my trusty nutmeg and ledum weren't helping get the good night's sleep that it normally does so on Tuesday, after reading about the slumber party mixture, I applied a drop of P&C to each wrist and rubbed the wrist to the inside of the opposite elbow. The I applied a drop of Copaiba to each wrist and did the same thing. In about 10 minutes, I felt chest muscles relax. Within 30 minutes I woke myself up snoring. I slept a solid 6 hours and woke up refreshed at 2:30 am Wednesday. I couldn't seem to get sleepy last night (Wednesday) so around 11:00 pm, I applied the P&C and Copaiba and again, I was soon fast asleep and slept another 6 hours waking up refreshed this morning

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