Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home Spa lady -- travel

There are many reasons why you should create a traveling mini-spa for yourself while you fly in the sky.Here's a list of whys and hows:--Clean The Air You BreatheOne of the things that has always bothered me about flying is the close proximity between people (for hours) andbreathing the same re-circulated air. The worst thing is a coughing sneezing sick person. But even if we are seatedfarther away from a sick person, germs can spread easily inairplane cabins. Also, since the airlines humidify the cabin air, the moisture creates a breeding ground for microbes[although plane air is notoriously dry, thus mucous membranes getdry and are more vulnerable to attack by microorganisms].Without fail, every time I get on a plane I say: "I am so thankful for my oils!"Here's a recommended routine for keeping the air you breathe as free from pathogenic organisms (the bad bugs) as possible:Keep your favorite respiratory, cleansing oils on your person,either in your pocket or purse. Take a hankie or tissue andsprinkle your oils on it. Tuck it into your shirt pocket,slipped up your sleeve, or under your watchband so it is easilyaccessible to lift up to your nose and inhale.I do this about every 10 minutes during my flight. I take a fewinhalations through the tissue so I can line my respiratorypassages with these great oils that will keep the bad bugs away.My favorite oils to do this with are (YL Blends) RC, Raven,Thieves, Peppermint, Purification, or any of the eucalyptus oils.You can also create a little spray bottle or use Thieves Sprayand spray your seat area. You may get a bit more attention doingit that way, so if you don't want to draw attention to yourselfjust use your hankie!--Keep Your Ankles from SwellingThere's something about our bodies being a zillion miles up inthe sky, in a pressurized cabin, sitting for sometimes severalhours, that just makes our legs and feet want to swell.It might not have anything to do with how much salt we just ate,or if we drank too much water, or not enough. Whatever it is,swollen legs and feet are uncomfortable, unsightly, and hindersmovement.One of the best essential oils that assists both the bloodcirculation and the lymphatic circulation is cypress. You mightwant to rub some cypress on the bottom of your feet or on yourankles before you get on the plane, or at least when you getdressed on the morning of your flight. Use it after you land tohelp mobilize any stagnant fluid.The ideal essential oil for this in my opinion is the YoungLiving Blend called Aroma-Life. It has cypress in it along witha few other single oils that have great properties. Thesynergy of this blend is great. I have seen great results onpeople who have used this oil blend for swollen feet.-- Keep Your Immune System StrongWhen we use therapeutic essential oils on our body, theysimultaneously oxygenate and cleanse each cell in the body Thiscombination of actions help to keep the immune system strong.--Diminish Stress and RelaxEven if you are excited about your destination, there is stillstress associated with travel. It's good stress, but its stress.Here's what you can do to diminish stress:--Use Lavender oil on the bottom of your feet and pulse points(my favorite lavender is Young Living's special lavender from St.Marie's - it is exquisite although a bit more expensive thantheir regular lavender). Another essential oil blend that isoften recommended for stress is Peace and Calming. Dowse yourselfthroughout the flight with either of these oils. It will helppeople around you as well.--Take your headset with you, or rent one from the airlines, andlisten to classical or relaxation music that they offer.--Close your eyes and do some deep breathing, and picture apeaceful scene, the face of a loved one or beloved pet, or yourwonderful vacation in your mind! Imagery is a powerfulenhancement to health.--Feel Good When You LandThat's ultimately what we want, isn't it? We don't want to getso stressed out getting ready for the trip and traveling to thepoint where we are exhausted and sick when we get there!The degree to which you are able to stay centered and in thatspa-like frame of mind while you are traveling, is the degree towhich you will feel great when you arrive at your destination.One of the most important and effective ways of feeling goodwhile you travel is to Drink Plenty of Water!--Prevent Jet LagThis is the bottom line. Nobody wants to feel tired andsick from flying and traveling.According to Charles F. Ehert, Ph.D. (senior scientist at US Deptof Energy Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois,author of "Overcoming Jet Lag") it takes one day to recover foreach time zone you go through. Therefore, coast to coast recoverytime is 3 days because you cross 3 different time zones.This also means that going from New York to Japan - which is 15time zones, would necessitate more than one week for recovery.We can do things to prevent Jet Lag. Here are some of Dr. Ehert'ssuggestions from his book:--Plan your flight so that you arrive at night--Get plenty of sleep before your trip--Avoid alcohol and anything that dehydrates the body--Exercise on the plane (contract and relax muscles, and stretch)--Sit in sun on plane if you can--Exercise when you get to your hotel--Get out in the sunshine when you arrive at your destination--Get immediately into the sync of new the time zone. Don't tryto catch up on sleepHere is Ehert's Anti-Jet Lag diet:--3 days before travel eat a feast - high protein breakfast andlunch and high carb dinner--2 days before eat lightly - fruits, soups, broth--1 day before eat a feast again (same as above)--On the day of travel east very light, next to nothing, and eatregularly when you arrive at that time zone's meal times


Home Spa Lady said...

Hi from Marilee! aka "Home Spa Lady" - loved that you used my article for your blog, and please feel free to use more- just follow what I requested if you don't mind and that is to put my resource box at the end of my articles with a link back to my site:
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning Dr. Ehret's book. The edition you mention is out of print and outdated. You can find the just rewritten, reformatted and republished version over at (Not available in bookstores or online at B&N or Amazon.)